Our CSR commitment

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Groupe Profession Santé and its employees are committed to environmental, social and corporate responsibility.

Groupe Profession Santé’s brands work to promote public health, raise awareness of medical and environmental issues, and ensure transparency in the way they handle information.

As an influential player in the healthcare sector, Groupe Profession Santé is committed to conducting its information and communication activities in a responsible manner, taking into account the social, environmental and economic impacts of its activities.

Groupe Profession Santé also supports initiatives aimed at improving access to healthcare and promoting the well-being of individuals and communities.

Finally, Groupe Profession Santé strives to reduce its ecological footprint by adopting sustainable practices in its editorial and commercial operations.

Health profession group

Environmental charter

Groupe Profession Santé’s employees are committed to ensuring that the practice of their profession is consistent with climate and environmental issues.

committed teams

3 Committed Media

A sponsorship scheme enabling us to allocate our unsold advertising space to non profit organizations working in the field of health.

Numerous trades

Paper: our sustainable choices

Groupe Profession Santé is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its newspaper production.

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Promoting the decarbonization of healthcare industries for a healthier planet: Jean-Paul Digy MD, Ph.D., MBA at the office, just like at home!

“I’m Jean-Paul, Medical Director of the Profession Santé Group.

👉 Air pollution is the 2nd leading risk factor for mortality (after hypertension and ahead of tobacco), in both adults and children. It is responsible for 48% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 28% from ischemic heart disease and 30% from lower respiratory tract infections.

❗ In 2022, according to the report The Shift ProjectGHG emissions (CO2, methane, N2O, etc.) from the healthcare sector (49 MtCO2eq) represented around 8% of France’s carbon footprint (623 MtCO2eq). In the same year, LEEM estimated the total GHG emissions of pharmaceutical companies, linked to medicines produced and/or consumed in France, at 26.3 MtCO2eq.

As Medical Director of Agence Profession Santé, I’m committed to healthy air and the fight against global warming:
🍀 promoting eco-responsible use of medicines and medical devices
🍃 helping manufacturers to communicate their best practices in terms of the environment and decarbonization, without greenwashing of course
🌲 promoting the use of digital communication channels in our activities
🌾 encouraging and promoting ecological initiatives at our customers’ sites
🦔 reducing travel by teleworking and virtual meetings
🐞 reducing my energy consumption in the office (heating/air-conditioning, printing, tools)
🌿 helping to raise staff awareness of the importance of their carbon footprint: a French citizen will produce 9.2tCO2eq/year in 2022 (-18% in 20 years, i.e. an average drop of 0.9%/year) for a target of 2tCO2eq/year in the Paris Agreement (achievable in 170 years at this rate)
🌼 integrating sustainability into our communications wherever possible

On a personal level, I’m taking action by reducing my energy consumption (at home, in my transport, on vacation), by promoting healthy, sustainable eating (less meat, fish and more fruit and vegetables, local, seasonal produce) by optimizing my waste management (selective sorting, less plastic) and of course by reducing my consumption of medicines/DM and that of my family. “


Jean-Paul Digy MD, Ph.D., MBA

Medical Director

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Reducing the ecological footprint of our technologies and buying local products: Béchir BOUSNINA makes a commitment at work, as well as at home!

“As an IT manager, I’m aware of the environmental challenges we face when it comes to technology. I regularly work with our team to reduce our environmental impact both in our business operations and in our daily lives.
In recent years, we have made significant progress in reducing our carbon footprint. We have opted for cloud solutions provided by companies committed to reducing their ecological footprint, while at the same time implementing policies aimed at extending the lifespan of our IT equipment and encouraging the recycling of obsolete equipment. In this way, we give priority to the purchase of reconditioned IT equipment.
In addition, we have rethought our working practices to encourage telecommuting and online meetings, thus reducing our business travel.
These actions testify to our determination to minimize our environmental impact while continuing to provide quality services.

On a personal level, I’m also committed to reducing my environmental impact. I adopt eco-responsible habits such as reducing my energy consumption at home or favoring sustainable and local products in my purchases.”

Béchir Bousnina

IT Manager

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Climate fresco and eco-responsible habits: Déborah Serougne makes a commitment at the office, just like at home!

“I’m Déborah, graphic designer and editor at Groupe Profession Santé. Aware of the environmental challenges we face, we are confronted with this issue every day, through the management of paper during the production of the Group’s newspapers. As far as possible, our teams try to limit and recycle paper output.

In conjunction with Groupe Profession Santé’s sustainable development group, we offered employees a workshop on Fresque Du Climat, a collaborative game based on the work of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). The aim of the game is to make scientific knowledge more accessible, so as to help people understand climate issues and put them at the heart of public debate.

On a personal level, I’d say it’s hard to be truly green, between intention and reality. So I’m trying to manage my contradictions by adopting eco-responsible habits that aren’t too hard to implement with my living conditions:
– the use of a composter (after a short training course and reduced-cost purchase offered by my town);
– the choice to give preference to cycling or public transport wherever possible, voluntarily limiting air travel,
– drastically limiting meat;
– buying from ressourcerie as much as possible;
– setting the heating to 18 during the day and 16 at night.”

Déborah Serougne

Graphic designer

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Group recycling and water protection: Mamadou Touré makes a commitment at the office, just like at home!

“I’m Mamadou, events communications project manager. I’m sensitive to environmental issues and I do my best to adopt the right gestures on a daily basis. It’s perfectly possible to adopt eco-responsible habits without having to put up with heavy constraints or changing what you like.

One of our flagship initiatives this year is the collection of coffee machines in each department for recycling. To encourage our employees to take part in this initiative, we offer them a credit on the company’s coffee machine in exchange for their old machine.

In my personal life, being a marathon fan, I’m used to running in winter, so we manage the cold! At home, I try to pay attention to the heating. My main battle remains water management. Adopting simple gestures like reducing the time spent in the shower and avoiding wastage is essential. No great sacrifices are needed, just a little awareness and the right habits to preserve this precious resource. 😊”

Mamadou Touré

Event communications project manager

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Federating and acting together: Maud Pilloud makes a commitment at work, as well as at home!

“I’m Maud, head of communications and institutional partnerships at Groupe Profession Santé.

🌏 As the daughter of a climatologist, I’m committed to taking action for the planet in all aspects of my daily life: at home, but also in the office, of course.
💡 Two years ago, several colleagues discovered that we shared the same concerns, and we wanted to think together about what could be done in our professional practice to make our activity more responsible, more sustainable, more reasoned.
🏢 Every month, we explore ways in which we can consume less in the office, recycle better, educate others about the right thing to do, and collectively commit the Group to taking account of the urgent need to tackle climate change.

🏡 At home, I try to be attentive on all fronts. My main battle-horse is heating. In winter, the thermostat is set at 19 during the day and 17 at night, which is very healthy. You don’t have to live in a T-shirt all year round, just a cozy woollen sweater and you’re warm all winter long. 😊”

Maud Pilloud

Head of Communications and Institutional Partnerships

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Philippe RAER’s commitment to greener communication and the addition of small gestures on a daily basis means he’s as committed at work as he is at home!

“I’m Philippe, director of advertising sales and monetization for the Profession Santé Group
As part of our communications consultancy work on behalf of players in the healthcare industry and services, sustainable development issues are at the heart of our customers’ concerns.
The Profession Santé Group strives to reduce its ecological footprint by adopting
sustainable practices in its editorial and commercial operations.
Our philosophy on a daily basis: “Living is good. Knowing how to live is better”.

On a personal level, in my family and personal environment, there’s no need to panic about the little things we do every day,
can have a positive impact:
Traffic rate: I’ve swapped my car journeys for a 2-wheeler (mechanical!) and public transport

Click-through rate: I’ve banished plastic bags when shopping for food in favor of a superb rolling cart …
Conversion rate: Gone are the blinding lights in favor of soft, economical and aesthetic LEDs …
Performance rate: Separation of plastic, paper, glass, metal … Long live selective sorting.
Lead rate: Gone are the pineapples from Hawaii and the tomatoes from Kenya, I now eat seasonal produce …
Campaign summary: Small gestures for a better world, not enough to save the planet on my own, but it’s good to surpass oneself, challenge oneself and participate as a family! “

Philippe Raer

Advertising and Monetization Manager

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Promoting sustainable mobility and passing on our ecological awareness to our children: Barbara NATHAN makes a commitment at work, as well as at home!

“My name is Barbara and I’m HR Director at Groupe Profession Santé, where I’ve been working for 6 years.
In my job, it’s important to me to integrate sustainable development into our day-to-day management. Four years ago, I introduced the sustainable mobility allowance, encouraging our employees to opt for greener means of transport. Since then, I’ve been working on the dematerialization of our HR department and in the management of general services, we always keep in mind the issue of improving our ecological footprint. Today, at GPS, I’m proud to offer a working environment where everyone can play their part in making it more sustainable.

And at home? My thing is above all to pass on this attention to my daughter, but also to favor organic and local products, and to use reusable containers to reduce waste.”

Barbara Nathan

Human Resources Director

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Signing an environmental charter with the editors of Le Quotidien du Médecin, Le Quotidien du Pharmacien and Infirmiers.com and setting up a compost plant: Charlotte Pommier makes a commitment at the office, just as she does at home!

“Environmental concerns are an inescapable reality in the medical world: at the editorial office, we regularly deal with the consequences of climate change and pollution on health, but also with the questioning of care practices with regard to their ecological consequences.

It’s only natural that we should also play our part in this evolution, by examining our own footprint. Setting up a charter proved to be an ideal tool, enabling us both to take stock and set objectives.

This work culminated in the signature, by all our editorial teams, of the environment charter for Groupe Profession Santé titles, last January. Today, we use it on a daily basis to fuel our reflections on how to continue improving.

Among the crucial issues, waste management has always fascinated me. I visited my local sorting center and quickly understood why composting could transform the whole chain: by reducing the volume, and therefore the collection cycles, but also by drying out the rest of the waste, which simplifies its processing. I’ve converted all my neighbors to it!”

Charlotte Pommier

Editor-in-Chief, Quotidien du Médecin