About us

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Groupe Profession Santé, leader in its sector with 3 key media, targets all healthcare professionals and key players:

  • General practitioners and specialists,
  • Retail and hospital pharmacists,
  • Nursing staff,
  • Student medical community,
  • Healthcare institutions and facilities,
  • And all the players in the healthcare ecosystem…

Our editorial teams are made up of
of some forty
specialized journalists

Multidisciplinary expertise
enable them to address the full rangesector issues

It is with rigor, commitment and professionalism

that our editorial staffs work far from the “fake news” so deleterious in the health field

Our titles covermedical, scientific, economic and socio-professional informationthrough the sieve of analysis

A reliable, verified, objective, independent information

is at the heart of our business.

These guarantees,essential to the practice of healthcare professionals and to the ethics of the sector,make Groupe Profession Santéa trusted third party

This ethic and our scientific integrity

are also reflected in all our services (employment, training, events)

as well as

by our scientific advertising agency

in the implementation of communication operations.

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