No. 1 media and services group for healthcare professionals
Active communitiesof certified healthcare professionalsUp to 70% coverage rate

A continuous flow of professional news
With 3 health media
3 news websites, 2 newspapers,
22 social network accounts

18 targeted newsletters
sent out every week
25% average opening rate

Industry news and sector
InnovationProduct news These are the topics of choice for healthcare professionals
readers of the pro-health press (Source: BVA 2022 survey)

Events, webinars,web TV, continuous podcastingto encourage peer-to-peer exchanges
Informing withindependence and objectivityExchange, debate, trainCommunicatewith expertise and ethics

More than
460,000 registeredreaders 4 M page views/month
2 M visits/month

Nearly500,000 Followerson social networks

Our communities

general practitioners and specialists
institutional and patient experts
hospital decision-makers
nurses and paramedics