Environmental charter for Groupe Profession Santé media


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Preamble :

The human origins and deleterious consequences of climate change for present and future generations have now been scientifically demonstrated. The media have the capacity to work concretely towards a controlled evolution of this degradation by providing their audiences with information on the scientific findings, the urgent nature of the environmental challenges and their health and social corollaries, and the means to counter the escalation of this crisis.

Groupe Profession Santé’s editorial teams are aware of the seriousness of these climatic and environmental challenges, and are keen to get involved. They are in a position to tackle the subject from the specific angle of health, and to raise awareness among the health ecosystem, which is massively represented in their audiences.

Articles :

1 – Vigilance and transparency

On a daily basis, Groupe Profession Santé journalists provide independent, objective and verified information, detecting and denouncing fake news. In keeping with this ethic, they are particularly vigilant in dealing with environmental issues. Our editorial teams are also keen to decipher and report situations of “greenwashing”.

2 – Confidence in the teachings of science

The editors of Groupe Profession Santé media recognize the value of scientific discoveries validated by third parties in leading scientific journals. In particular, they acknowledge the expertise of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on climate and the environment.

3 – Cross-disciplinary, ongoing consideration of the impact of the environment on health and of health on the environment

The editorial teams of Groupe Profession Santé media are committed to raising health and environmental issues in a cross-disciplinary manner: environmental and climate issues are not treated in isolation from current affairs. Regardless of the section in which they are published, articles will, where appropriate, mention the consequences for the environment and climate.

4 – Teaching and informing readers about best practices

The editorial teams of Groupe Profession Santé media are committed to providing informed explanations of environmental issues, with a view to educating their readers about good environmental practices, particularly in the healthcare professions.

5 – Lexical and illustrative choices consistent with the climate emergency

The editorial teams of Groupe Profession Santé media choose words and images that are coherent and proportionate with regard to environmental and climate issues, so as not to minimize or trivialize these themes.

6 – Training journalists

Groupe Profession Santé is committed to giving its journalists privileged access to training on environmental issues, enabling them to make low-carbon choices in the practice of their profession and to write informed articles on the issues involved.

7 – Business travel

Employees of Groupe Profession Santé companies undertake to use low-carbon means of transport whenever possible for their business travel, and in particular to avoid flying when a journey can be made by train within a timeframe compatible with the exercise of their profession.

8 – Advertising

Groupe Profession Santé refrains from accepting advertising funding from activities it deems particularly polluting or harmful, nor does it broadcast advertising campaigns whose message is contrary to the spirit of the present charter.

9 – Sustainable production

As a publisher of press titles, Groupe Profession Santé pays particular attention to the choice of materials used in the production of its newspapers (100% of its paper comes from sustainably managed forests, polyethylene film is replaced by more ecological alternatives, such as home compost and Publikraft) and gives preference to recycled paper. The Profession Santé Group is committed to working with suppliers who share its commitment: attentive to energy sobriety, recycling of waste, reduction of rejects, reuse of production heat from machines and use of vegetable and white inks. Groupe Profession Santé chooses local printers and optimizes its supply chain to minimize transport distances.

10 – Company carbon footprint

Groupe Profession Santé is committed to regularly assessing its carbon footprint and implementing actions to continuously reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.