Hello Betty,

You took up your new post on January 1 2022 and are a seasoned science journalist.

How do you see the role and evolution of the healthcare press?

The COVID crisis has undoubtedly had a catalytic and accelerating effect on the content and distribution of health information. The obligation to work remotely has generated a new agility and inventiveness, with the creation of webinars and the boom in online exchanges and social networks. With the associated limitations: namely a flood of “fake news” and misinformation. In April 2020 alone, the Facebook social network posted warnings on 50 million problematic publications. [1]. De quoi assoir la légitimité d’une presse experte dont le temps n’est pas celui de l’immédiateté mais celui de la démonstration. Une presse qui doit non seulement se faire le relais d’une actualité riche mais aussi la décrypter au mieux pour répondre à la fois aux attentes des professionnels de santé qui s’y réfèrent mais aussi d’un public plus large et moins averti qui vient chercher l’information à sa source.

Your career in science journalism has taken you into the many sectors of healthcare – hospital, industry, research…: how do you use this asset to cover current events in the paramedical professions and their environment?

In fact, I’ve had the good fortune to nurture my professional career by confronting the world of scientific research, with its long and demanding periods, the world of medicine, with its difficulties of practice and its strength of commitment, and the world of hospitals, with its values and missions. And here I am today, dealing with healthcare issues through the prism of the nursing profession, whose mission is as close as possible to patients, as close as possible to the reality of all of us… It’s an exciting challenge that I hope to meet as best I can with the ability to put things into perspective that my experience has given me.

What do you find most meaningful about your job?

Always the same desire to listen, understand and explain. To tell the story of women, men and the world… in this case, the world of healthcare.


[1] https://www.lemonde.fr/actualite-medias/article/2020/07/10/medias-et-journalistes-a-l-epreuve-du-covid-19_6045784_3236.html

Find out all the latest news from the paramedical professions on infirmiers.com and cadredesante.com

Betty Mamane

Editorial director of infirmiers.com & cadredesante.com