Hello Didier,
Thank you for agreeing to answer these few questions.
Congratulations on your appointment as Editorial Director of QPH! Can you tell us a little about your career at GPS?
My career path is a break, then a long straight line. In the 90s, I started out as a pharmacist. More precisely, I was the owner of a pharmacy in the Paris region. I had my Doctor of Pharmacy diploma in my pocket, and a fellow student had been nagging me for several years about joining forces to buy a pharmacy. I finally took the plunge in 1989, and embarked on an adventure that curiously combines the demands of a health profession with those of running a business. Five years later, on the strength of this successful experience, I felt I’d come full circle. I clearly liked the counter more than the office, but the customers, I admit, were beginning to bore me… I loved the job, but I needed a change. I loved writing, information, passing on knowledge (I’m the son and husband of teachers), debating ideas… Why not the press? In the pages of “Le Quotidien du pharmacien”, I came across an advertisement for an editor’s position. I took the plunge! Jacques Gravier, the title’s Editor-in-Chief at the time, put his trust in me. Then, to answer your question about my career at GPS, I successively held the positions of Editor, Head of News, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, then Editor-in-Chief. Always under his supervision, and in collaboration with Jacques Gravier, who taught me much more than the rudiments of the trade. All in all, I don’t feel that I’ve betrayed my original vocation (as my parents once thought…), but rather that I’ve brought it to life in another way, by providing information and help to my colleagues.
Will the editorial line remain the same or are changes planned?
Overall, it will remain the same. It’s a bit like change with continuity… though. We will, of course, remain faithful to the values of independence and a certain freedom of tone associated with the profession of journalist and, more specifically, to the very “press” history of this company founded by the Tessons. With my team, we will continue to place the utmost importance on the accuracy and rigor of the information relayed by our title, with the constant concern of satisfying the needs of our subscribers and winning over new readers. The shift to the web is certainly necessary. But in my opinion, it must be done gently and with discernment. In keeping with the principle that it’s up to the medium to serve its readers, and not the other way around.
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